About Us
Smooth Flowmeters,a name getting popularity in the field of instrumentation for its commissioning and After Sales Service and their in-depth knowledge and expertise in this business.After getting customers confidence in our services, we decided to enter in the field of Manufacture and Marketing.
The founder Mr. Sushant Sahu an Instrumentation Engineer by profession, started the company in the year 2012 after a huge on site experience of more than 12 years in handling different types of Flow meters and Gas Metering and Regulating skid. His strength lies in the oil and gas sector.
Today at Smooth flowmeters,we manufacture and supply Turbine Flowmeters & Electromagnetic Flowmeter , Indicators/ Totalizers, Batch controllers and various custom based systems and solutions.
These products find use in Oil/ Gas, Refinery and various Process industries which include Chemical, Food, Pharmaceuticals, Automobile, Power, Steel, Water, Shipbuilding and defence sector.
Our Mission
Our Mission
At Smooth Flowmeters, our goal will be to Make and Market in India, products and solutions which will improve the Automation level of Indian customers. To satisfy customers dream of high quality, safe, environment friendly and highly competitive products,will be part of our Mission.
Our Achievements
At Smooth Flowmeters,we have launched a Turbine Flowmeter for liquids a unique design and a new milestone achieved. Looking at our capabilities,
M/S KRACHT GmBH. Germany and M/S EPO SIGNAL Russia have joined hands with us for marketing and after sales service of their products in the year 2014.
We are proud to announce that from KRACHT ,we we can deliver screw type PD meters, Gear Type PD Flowmeter and Turbine meters.
M/S EPO SIGNAL are popular for their range in Ultrasonic Gas flowmeters , Filter & Pressure regulators, Pressure Transmitter & Gauges.